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Gold Ribbon

Resources for Cancer Fighters

My Favorite Freebies: 

Pink it Forward for Breast Cancer Fighters:

This organization services South Dakota, North Dakota Minnesota, and Montana.  They are my favorite breast cancer support package provider as they sent high quality items fighters need!  You can request for yourself or a loved one: 


Hope Kits for Breast Cancer Fighters:

This is also a favorite as they send themed breast cancer items to fighters.  It's a nice pick me up and having a water bottle/coffee mug that says HOPE on it is so uplifting!


Phil's Friends for any cancer fighter: 

This is an uplifting organization that sends a nice care package to anyone that is fighting.  They send monthly cards as well.  This is a Christian organization and they pray for the fighters as well.



Books for adult fighters I loved: 

Wear the Damn Swimsuit:

This one was so relatable and I laughed the entire way through.  It's about a young breast cancer fighter who walks you through her treatments.  I really felt like I wasn't alone in my struggles when reading this one!  She also has become an author friend, which I'm honored about!

Planet Cancer: 

This is more geared towards 18-25 year old adults with cancer, but even as a 33 year old diagnosed I found it very useful.


Crazy, Sexy Cancer Tips:

Although there are tips through the book, I read this one more for comedic relief while in treatment.

Blogs I've written to support cancer fighters: 

Cancer is not in charge:


Survivorship: First Step Defeat:


Her View from Home blogs:


Do Cancer 


Websites for young adult fighters and fighters with children:

Do Cancer

At Do Cancer we believe everyone should have access to the best cancer care. We are committed to sharing proven treatment plans, wellness education, carefully vetted products, and cancer program scholarships for whole-person healing. 


Young Survival Coalition: 

A website with a multitude of resources for people that were diagnosed with cancer under the age of 40.  I have written blog posts for them and have found comfort in knowing I'm not alone!


American Cancer Society

This website has up-to-date and resources upon resources.  It also has a 24 hour support line that you can call to ask any question that is on your heart- emotional support and financial support. 










Books for kids that have a parent with cancer that I love:

We find Joy: Cancer Messed with the Wrong Family 

This is my book that is based off how my family found joy during cancer treatments.  It empowers children to find joy and really feel like they are helping their loved while they are diagnosed with cancer.  It is 100% based on ways my kids found joy while I fought cancer. 
Workbooks that I made to compliment this book:


Cancer Hates Kisses

This was the book my 5 year old lived by.  He truly believed hugging and kissing me fought cancer.  His love did in many ways.  I highly recommend this book!



In the news!  Spreading Cancer awareness and joy:

Importance of Support Groups on KTSP- Twin Cities:


Breast Cancer Survivor spreads Magic of Little Free Libraries on WCCO Twin Cities:


Little Free Library Highlight on Fox 9 Twin Cities:

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